Justine Pillar is the founder of Hands On Hands Out, a registered charity dedicated to helping London’s homeless. For the past seven years, Justine has been storing with The Self Storage Company in Waltham Abbey, gradually increasing her storage space to accommodate the growing needs of her charity.

Inspired by her parents’ compassion for the homeless, Justine developed a strong sense of empathy at a young age. Her father, an amateur photographer, often captured the expressive faces of homeless individuals on the streets of London, while her mother would  distribute meals to those in need during the winter months and Christmas. These experiences left a lasting impact on Justine and fueled her desire to make a difference.

Initially, Justine volunteered with Crisis, finding the work rewarding but somewhat impersonal. Driven by a desire to create a more hands-on approach, she established Hands On Hands Out in 2015. What began as a solo endeavour with a trolley filled with drinks and sandwiches has now evolved into a thriving charity with a team of around 20 dedicated volunteers.

Hands On Hands Out



Throughout the week, the charity responds to local requests for assistance, providing food and clothing to those in need. On Sundays, they host a static outreach at St Pancras Church in Euston, London, where they distribute donations, offer free haircuts, provide foot spas during the summer, and serve home-cooked meals all year round.


Charity Spotlight The Self Storage Company


Justine’s charity also organises special appeals for occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, St Patrick’s Day, and Father’s Day, recognising that most of London’s homeless population are men.

The Self Storage Company in Waltham Abbey has played a crucial role in supporting the growth and success of Hands On Hands Out. “The storage units have been an absolute lifeline for our charity,” Justine explained. “As we’ve expanded our services and received more donations, having a secure and easily accessible space to store everything has been invaluable. The staff at The Self Storage Company have been incredibly supportive, always ready to lend a helping hand when we need it.”

The charity’s three self-storage units at The Self Storage Company in Waltham Abbey house a wide range of items, from non-perishable food and clothing to sleeping bags and toiletries. The convenient location of the facility and the flexibility of the self-storage agreements have allowed Hands On Hands Out to adapt and grow as needed.

Looking to the future, Justine has ambitious plans for her charity. “We want to continue expanding our reach and providing even more support to London’s homeless community,” she shared. “Knowing that we have a reliable partner in The Self Storage Company gives us the confidence to keep pushing forward and making a difference in people’s lives.”

According to recent research by the Combined Homelessness and Information Network, the number of rough sleepers in London has increased by 34% compared to the previous year. Shocking statistics reveal that one in 50 Londoners are homeless, and cases of homelessness have risen by 54% between 2013 and 2023. But together, we’re making a difference!

To learn more about Hands On Hands Out and support their mission, visit their website at www.handsonhandout.co.uk and follow their active social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.


Hands On Hands Out Case Study